About Us

Vizyon Media is a media startup focused on providing quality content and journalism across the diaspora. We’re on a mission to increase global access to information and equalizing the playing field for thousands of communities who lack easy access to knowledge.


Are you an aspiring journalist, editor, content creator or media personality? Join the team!

We’re building a team of people with shared passion in journalism, investigation and storytelling to join us in our mission of building a new and improved form of modern media.

If that sounds like you, just fill out the form and we’ll be in contact shortly.

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Business Track

For business-minded students looking to gain experience in a live business environment with our management team as we resolve everyday issues that come from running a modern startup.

Global Relations Track

For future translators and journalists, our Global Relations Track allows students to gain experience interning in a multi-cultural, multilingual and internationally distributed business environment.

Design Track

Made for aspiring artists and designers, students interested in our Design Track will be paired with our front end developers and marketing department learning how the website and marketing material design process works.

Technology Track

Tailored to students interested in software development, interns enrolled in our Technology Track study with our dev team working on the software stack that will power our upcoming media properties.